Reception - Sali Mali & Jac Do

In Sali Mali and Jac Do we welcome our youngest learners to the start of their journey at Ysgol Tudno. Sali Mali children attend in the morning only, Jac Do children stay for lunch and finish school at 3pm.

Our class teacher is Miss Catrin Williams.

Miss Williams - Reception Teacher

A typical day

We start the day with the register - Sali Mali and Jac Do are registered separately. The children take on the role of Helpwr Heddiw on a rota basis, to encourage taking responsibility and of helping others within the class. The role of Helpwr Heddiw continues throughout their time at Ysgol Tudno in all year groups.  

After registration Sali Mali and Jac Do are placed in mixed groups for our Creative, Number, Language and Outdoor planned tasks. During this time, children have the opportunity to do focus tasks with all staff members. Jac Do also have access to Reading Eggs. All children are encouraged to speak Welsh throughout the day and we use Welsh language resources such as Fflic a Fflac, Caru Canu and Cyw.

We also have COOL (Choosing Our Own Learning) time, which are planned activities around the areas of the class that the children can engage with independently. We use lollipop sticks to encourage the children to do independent work. Once they have completed a task, they place the sticks in their plastic pocket. The challenge is to collect all the sticks!

At 10:30am we all join together for our daily assembly.

At morning playtime, the children have the opportunity to go on bikes and play with the outdoor equipment. We then say goodbye to our Sali Mali children at 11:30am.  

Lunchtime for Jac Do is at 12:00. All children are entitled to a free school meal or they can bring in their own packed lunch.

In the afternoon we do topic work. Our topics for the year are:

Afternoon playtime is at 14:30 following which we gather for milk and Cwtch Cymraeg, where we  gather in the corner for Welsh songs, phrases and stories before we say goodbye for another day!

During the school year we will visit the library, school park and the beach as well as enjoying an end of year treat of either a school trip or an activity week.


There is no homework in Sali Mali and Jac Do, but we value your support in listening to your child read. Just ten minutes reading together can make a real difference to your child’s confidence.

Useful Information